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Please support the struggle against cyberabuse and cyberbullying


The creators and all involved with The Web Opera are proud to be part of the mission against

cyberbullying and cyberabuse - we invite you to join us in support of this mission.


We're proud as well to be working with Humannovations in support of their work in anti-cyberbullying and

suicide prevention.  Please see our RESOURCES page for more information. 


And, though we have no formal affiliation with the other organizations listed below,

we encourage all who have watched The Web Opera to support them in this mission - 

and, if you are so moved, to consider making a donation to support their work as well.



National Suicide Prevention Lifeline



Cyberbullying Research Center


It Gets Better Project


Pacer Center's Teens Against Bullying


The Trevor Project


Tyler Clementi Foundation

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