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This video excerpt from the new opera THE GOLEM OF LA JOLLA - a work-in-progress -
is posted in support of my application for the Santa Monica Artist Project Fellowship -
this is a 5-minute excerpt from the second scene of the opera.



In the first scene of the opera a Congregant from Temple Beth Judah in La Jolla meets with a Rabbi visiting from Prague,

who convinces the Congregant to bring him to their new Rabbi - Joan - so he can convince her to allow him to bring a

Golem to La Jolla to protect the congregation from the upcoming Neo-Nazi march. 


In this 5-minute excerpt from the second scene, the congregant meets with Rabbi Joan, and expresses his very personal concerns about the upcoming march - and he sings the Haskeveinu, a setting from the Hebrew prayer for peace -

Joan is moved and joins him in the prayer.


This film combines concert footage with studio footage from the recording session as well.

Chloe Vaught (soprano) is Rabbi Joan, Saunder Choi (tenor) is the Congregant.

The musicians are Caleb Jones (cello) and Yvette Holzwarth (violin).


The score for this excerpt can be found here.


Please go to this page, for a longer excerpt - the first three scenes - from the opera. 


The score for the longer excerpt from the opera can be found here.


And for more information about the Golem project and Golems - please go here.


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